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Today U-Cups are used primarily as seals for piston rods in hydraulic cylinders. U-Cups in polyurethane are proven elements, due to their good mechanical properties, for standard cylinder construction, particularly for mobile hydraulics under rough operating conditions.

Type RU3

The U-Cup type RU3 is used as a rod seal for heavy-duty conditions in mobile and industrial hydraulics. It is installed with a fixed seat at its outer diameter. The rear dynamic sealing lip improves the leakage behaviour and, at the same time, prevents the entry of contaminants from the atmosphere side. Compared with the type RU2, the shorter inner lip is more flexible and can adapt better to the operating conditions and deflections of the piston rod.

A lubricant trap forms between the sealing lips. This counters the stick-slip tendency and prevents dry running. At the same time the good lubrication behaviour reduces wear.

Method of Operation

The sealing effect of the U-Cup comes from the intrinsic preload of the seal body and from the compression of the seal lips during installation. In operating condition, the radial mechanical contact forces are superimposed by the system pressure.

At low stroke speeds, U-Cups can tend to have a stick-slip effect due to an inadequate lubrication film formation in the seal clearance and to their material properties. This behaviour corresponds to the Stribeck curve described in the relevant literature.


– Good sealing effect
– Good abrasion resistance, wear-resistant
– Compensates deflections of the piston rod
– Entry of dirt and air into the system is more or less ruled out
– Unaffected by sudden loads and high pressures
– Simple installation.

Technical Data

Operating pressure: Max. 40 MPa
Speed: Up to 0.5 m/s
Temperature: Use in mineral oils: -30°C to + 80°C
Media: Mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids.

Important Note:

The above data are maximum values and cannot be used at the same time. e.g. the maximum operating speed depends on material type, pressure, temperature and gap value.


The thermoplastic polyurethane material used for U-Cups has a high abrasion resistance, a low compression set and exhibits a high resistance to clearance extrusion.

WUAQ3 turquoise color
WU9L3 blue color
UAT60 red color

Seal Clearance

Guide values for the radial clearance between rod and gland in relation to the operating pressure and rod diameter can be found in Table.

Design and Installation Instructions

The different forms have different grooves, see Table. U-Cups are used together with single-acting scrapers.




Note Rod Diameter Groove Diameter Groove Width Seal Width Part No. B+S
Sealing Parts Ref. No. Polypac Ref. No.
dN f8/h9 D1 H10 L +0.2 B Material Code
* 6,0 14,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100060 D
* 6,0 16,0 7,0 6,0 RU3000060 D
* 8,0 16,0 6,3 5,7 RU3000080 D
* 10,0 18,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100100 D
* 10,0 20,0 8,0 7,0 RU3000100 D
12,0 19,0 5,6 5,0 RU3100120 D
* 12,0 20,0 6,3 5,7 RU3200120 D
* 12,0 22,0 8,0 7,0 RU3000120 D
14,0 21,0 6,0 5,0 RU3100140 D
* 14,0 22,0 6,3 5,7 RU3200140 D
* 14,0 24,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000140 D RS 14 24/L
* 15,0 23,0 6,3 5,7 RU3000150 D
* 15,0 26,0 8,0 7,0 RU3100150 RS 15 26/L
* 15,4 25,5 7,4 6,5 RU3000154 RS 15.4 25.5 L
* 16,0 24,0 6,3 5,7 RU3200160 D
* 16,0 24,0 7,0 6,0 RU3300160 D
* 16,0 26,0 6,0 5,0 RU3100160 D
* 16,0 26,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000160 D
18,0 25,0 6,0 5,0 RU3200180 D
* 18,0 26,0 6,3 5,7 RU3300180 D
* 18,0 26,0 7,0 6,3 RU3100180 D RS 18 26/L1
* 18,0 26,0 9,0 8,0 RU3100180 RS 18 26/L
* 18,0 28,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000180 D
* 19,5 27,5 9,0 8,0 RU3000195 RS 19.5 27.5/L
20,0 26,0 6,3 5,4 RU3400200 EU 2026/S
* 20,0 28,0 5,0 4,3 RU3200200 D
* 20,0 28,0 6,3 5,7 RU3300200 D
* 20,0 28,0 8,0 7,3 RU3100200 D
* 20,0 30,0 6,3 5,7 RU3500200 D
* 20,0 30,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000200 D
* 20,0 30,0 9,0 8,0 RU3600200 D
* 20,0 30,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700200 D
22,0 29,0 6,0 5,0 RU3100220 D
* 22,0 30,0 7,0 6,0 RU3200220 RS 22 30/L
* 22,0 32,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000220 D
* 25,0 33,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100250 D
25,0 33,0 7,0 6,0 RU3200250 RS 25 33/L2
25,0 33,0 7,5 6,5 RU3300250 RS 25 33/L1
25,0 33,0 8,0 7,3 RU3500250 RS 25 33/L
* 25,0 35,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000250 D
* 25,0 35,0 11,0 10,0 RU3400250 D
28,0 36,0 6,3 5,7 RU3400280 D
28,0 36,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000280 D
* 28,0 38,0 6,3 5,7 RU3500280 D
* 28,0 38,0 8,0 7,3 RU3100280 D
* 28,0 38,0 8,5 7,5 RU3600280 RS 28 38/L
* 28,0 38,0 9,0 8,0 RU3200280 D
* 28,0 43,0 12,5 11,5 RU3300280 D
30,0 38,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100300 D
30,0 38,0 7,0 6,0 RU3200300 D
30,0 38,0 8,0 7,0 RU3300300 D
30,0 38,0 9,0 8,0 RU3400300 D
30,0 40,0 7,5 6,5 RU3500300 RS 30 40/L1
30,0 40,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000300 D RS 30 40/L
30,0 40,0 9,0 8,0 RU3600300 EU 3040/2/S
* 30,0 45,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700300 D
32,0 40,0 6,3 5,7 RU3300320 D
32,0 40,0 7,0 6,0 RU3100320 D
32,0 40,0 7,7 6,7 RU3400320 RS 32 40/L
32,0 40,0 9,0 8,0 RU3500320 D
32,0 41,5 8,9 7,9 RU3600320 RS 32 41.5/L
32,0 42,0 6,3 5,7 RU3200320 D
* 32,0 42,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000320 D
* 32,0 42,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700320 D
35,0 42,0 8,0 7,0 RU3200350 D
35,0 42,5 8,0 7,0 RU3300350 D
35,0 43,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100350 D
35,0 43,0 8,0 7,2 RU3400350 RS 35 43/L
35,0 43,0 9,0 8,0 RU3500350 D
35,0 45,0 8,0 7,0 RU3000350 D
35,0 45,0 9,0 8,0 RU3600350 D
* 35,0 45,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700350 D
* 35,0 50,0 11,0 10,0 RU3800350 D
* 35,0 55,0 11,0 10,0 RU3900350 D
36,0 44,0 6,3 5,7 RU3100360 D
36,0 44,0 7,0 6,3 RU3200360 RS 36 44/L
36,0 46,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000360 D
36,0 46,0 8,5 7,5 RU3300360 RS 36 46/L
38,0 48,0 9,0 8,0 RU3000380 D
40,0 48,0 6,3 5,7 RU3000400 D
40,0 48,0 6,5 5,5 RU3400400 EU 4048/1/S
40,0 49,5 10,5 9,5 RU3500400 RS 40 49.5/L
* 40,0 50,0 8,0 7,3 RU3100400 D RS 40 50/L
* 40,0 50,0 9,0 8,0 RU3600400 D
* 40,0 55,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700400 RS 40 55/L EU 4055/S
40,0 55,0 12,5 11,5 RU3200400 D
40,0 60,0 11,0 10,0 RU3800400 D
40,0 60,0 13,0 12,0 RU3300400 D
42,0 50,0 9,0 8,0 RU3000420 D
42,0 50,0 12,5 11,5 RU3100420 RS 42 50/L
42,0 52,0 11,0 10,0 RU3200420 D
42,0 53,0 10,0 9,0 RU3300420 RS 42 53/L
45,0 53,0 6,3 5,7 RU3200450 D
45,0 53,0 11,0 10,0 RU3300450 D
45,0 53,0 12,5 11,5 RU3400450 RS 45 53/L
45,0 55,0 6,3 5,7 RU3500450 D
45,0 55,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000450 D EU 4555/1/S
45,0 55,0 12,5 11,5 RU3600450 RS 45 55/L
* 45,0 57,7 10,5 9,5 RU3700450 RS 45 57.7/L
* 45,0 60,0 12,5 11,5 RU3100450 D
46,0 56,0 11,0 10,0 RU3000460 D
48,0 56,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000480 RS 48 56/L1
48,0 56,0 13,0 12,0 RU3100480 RS 48 56/L
50,0 57,0 11,0 10,0 RU3400500 RS 50 57/L
50,0 58,0 12,5 11,5 RU3500500 RS 50 58/L
* 50,0 60,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000500 D
* 50,0 60,0 11,0 10,0 RU3600500 D
* 50,0 62,7 10,5 9,5 RU3700500 RS 50 62.7/L
50,0 65,0 11,0 10,0 RU3800500 D RS 50 65/L1
50,0 65,0 12,0 11,0 RU3300500 D
50,0 65,0 12,5 11,5 RU3200500 D
50,0 65,0 16,5 15,5 RU3900500 RS 50 65/L
50,0 70,0 11,0 10,0 RU3A00500 D
50,0 70,0 15,0 14,0 RU3B00500 RS 50 70/L
52,0 62,0 13,0 12,0 RU3000520 D
55,0 62,5 10,0 9,0 RU3100550 RS 55 62.5/L
55,0 63,0 12,5 11,5 RU3200550 RS 55 63/L
55,0 65,0 8,0 7,3 RU3000550 D
55,0 65,0 9,5 8,5 RU3400550 RS 55 65/L1
55,0 65,0 11,0 10,0 RU3300550 D RS 55 65/L
56,0 71,0 11,0 10,0 RU3300560 D
56,0 71,0 12,5 11,4 RU3000560 D
* 56,0 76,0 16,0 15,0 RU3200560 D
57,1 66,7 10,5 9,5 RU3000571 RS 57.1 66.7/L
57,1 69,8 10,5 9,5 RU3100571 RS 57.1 69.8/L
58,0 68,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000580 RS 58 68/L
60,0 68,0 12,5 11,5 RU3600600 RS 60 68/L
60,0 70,0 6,0 5,2 RU3100600 D
60,0 70,0 7,0 6,2 RU3200600 D
60,0 70,0 8,0 7,3 RU3400600 D
60,0 70,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700600 D EU 6070/2/S
60,0 70,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000600 D RS 60 70/L
60,0 70,0 13,0 12,0 RU3800600 D RS 60 70/L1
** 60,0 70,0 15,0 14,3 RU3900600 EU 6070/S
60,0 72,0 10,0 9,0 RU3500600 D
60,0 75,0 11,0 10,0 RU3A00600 RS 60 75/L1
60,0 75,0 12,5 11,5 RU3300600 D EU 6075/1/S
* 60,0 75,0 16,5 15,5 RU3B00600 RS 60 75/L
63,0 75,0 11,0 10,0 RU3200630 RS 63 75/L
63,0 78,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000630 D
* 63,0 83,0 14,5 13,5 RU3300630 RS 63 83/L
* 63,0 83,0 16,0 15,0 RU3100630 D
63,5 76,2 10,5 9,5 RU3000635 RS 63.5 76.2/L
65,0 73,0 12,5 11,5 RU3300650 RS 65 73/L
65,0 75,0 8,0 7,3 RU3100650 D
65,0 75,0 11,0 10,0 RU3200650 D RS 65 75/L
65,0 75,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000650 D
65,0 75,0 13,0 12,0 RU3400650 EU 6575/S
65,0 77,7 10,5 9,5 RU3500650 RS 65 77.7/L
66,0 80,0 11,0 10,0 RU3000660 RS 66 80/L
67,0 75,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000670 RS 67 75/L
69,8 82,5 10,5 9,5 RU3000698 RS 69.8 82.5/L
70,0 77,5 10,0 9,0 RU3600700 RS 70 77.5/L
70,0 78,0 12,5 11,5 RU3700700 RS 70 78/L
70,0 79,0 14,0 13,0 RU3800700 RS 70 79/L
70,0 80,0 12,5 11,5 RU3900700 RS 70 80/L
70,0 80,0 13,0 12,0 RU3300700 D RS 70 80/L1
70,0 82,0 9,6 8,6 RU3200700 D
70,0 85,0 11,0 10,0 RU3A00700 D
70,0 85,0 12,0 11,0 RU3400700 D
70,0 85,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000700 D RS 70 85/L EU 7085/S
* 70,0 90,0 13,0 12,0 RU3B00700 RS 70 90/L
* 70,0 90,0 16,0 15,0 RU3100700 D
73,0 82,4 7,8 7,0 RU3000730 RS 73 82.4/L
75,0 83,0 12,5 11,5 RU3400750 RS 75 83/L
75,0 85,0 7,0 6,2 RU3200750 D
75,0 85,0 9,5 8,7 RU3500750 RS 75 85/L1
75,0 85,0 11,0 10,0 RU3300750 D RS 75 85/L2
75,0 85,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000750 D RS 75 85/L
75,0 85,0 13,0 12,0 RU3100750 D
75,0 90,0 13,0 12,0 RU3600750 D
76,0 86,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000760 D
76,2 88,9 10,5 9,5 RU3000762 RS 76.2 88.9/L
77,0 86,0 15,0 14,0 RU3000770 RS 77 86/L
78,0 86,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000780 D RS 78 86/L1
78,0 86,0 14,5 13,5 RU3100780 RS 78 86/L
78,0 88,0 13,0 12,0 RU3200780 RS 78 88/L
** 78,0 88,0 15,0 14,3 RU3300780 EU 7888/S
78,0 90,0 13,0 12,0 RU3400780 RS 78 90/L
79,4 88,9 10,5 9,5 RU3000794 RS 79.4 88.9/L
80,0 88,0 12,5 11,5 RU3600800 RS 80 88/L
80,0 90,0 8,0 7,3 RU3300800 D
80,0 90,0 11,0 10,0 RU3400800 D
80,0 90,0 12,5 11,5 RU3200800 D
80,0 90,0 13,0 12,0 RU3500800 D EU 8090/S
80,0 95,0 11,0 10,0 RU3700800 D
80,0 95,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000800 D
80,0 95,0 13,0 12,0 RU3800800 D EU 8095/S
80,0 100,0 13,0 12,0 RU3900800 EU 80100/S
80,0 100,0 16,0 15,0 RU3100800 D
82,5 97,5 13,0 12,0 RU3000825 RS 82.5 97.5/L
85,0 92,5 10,0 9,0 RU3200850 RS 85 92.5/L
85,0 93,0 12,5 11,5 RU3300850 RS 85 93/L
85,0 95,0 12,5 11,5 RU3100850 D
85,0 100,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000850 D
85,0 105,0 13,0 12,0 RU3400850 D
88,9 101,6 10,5 9,5 RU3000889 RS 88.9 101.6/L
90,0 98,0 12,5 11,5 RU3500900 RS 90 98/L
90,0 100,0 8,0 7,3 RU3300900 D
90,0 100,0 12,5 11,5 RU3600900 RS 90 100/L
90,0 105,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000900 D RS 90 105/L
90,0 105,0 13,0 12,0 RU3100900 D
90,0 110,0 13,0 12,0 RU3400900 D RS 90 110/L
90,0 110,0 16,0 15,0 RU3200900 D
93,0 101,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000930 D
RS 93 101/L
95,0 103,0 8,0 7,0 RU3200950
95,0 103,0 12,5 11,5 RU3300950 RS 95 103/L
95,0 105,0 9,5 8,7 RU3400950 RS 95 105/L1
95,0 105,0 13,0 12,0 RU3000950 D RS 95 105/L EU 95105/S
95,0 110,0 13,0 12,0 RU3100950 D
95,0 115,0 13,0 12,0 RU3500950 D
97,0 105,0 12,5 11,5 RU3000970 RS 97 105/L1
97,0 105,0 14,5 13,5 RU3100970 RS 97 105/L
97,0 106,0 15,0 14,0 RU3200970 RS 97 106/L
99,0 109,0 13,0 12,0 RU3000990 RS 99 109/L
** 99,0 109,0 15,0 14,3 RU3100990 EU 99109/S
100,0 108,0 12,5 11,5 RU3401000 RS 100 108/L
100,0 110,0 11,0 10,0 RU3501000 RS 100 110/L1
100,0 110,0 12,5 11,5 RU3601000 RS 100 110/L
100,0 115,0 11,0 10,0 RU3301000 D
100,0 115,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001000 D
100,0 120,0 13,0 12,0 RU3201000 D
100,0 120,0 16,0 15,0 RU3101000 D
104,8 117,0 7,0 6,0 RU3001048 D
105,0 113,0 8,0 7,0 RU3101050 D
105,0 113,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201050 RS 105 113/L1
105,0 113,0 14,5 13,5 RU3301050 RS 105 113/L
105,0 115,0 12,5 11,5 RU3401050 RS 105 115/L
105,0 115,0 13,0 12,0 RU3501050 EU 105115/S
105,0 120,0 10,0 9,2 RU3001050 D
110,0 118,0 12,5 11,5 RU3301100 RS 110 118/L
110,0 125,0 10,6 9,6 RU3101100 D
110,0 130,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001100 D
110,0 135,0 20,0 19,0 RU3201100 D
112,0 122,0 11,0 10,0 RU3001120 RS 112 122/L
113,0 123,0 9,5 8,7 RU3001130 RS 113 123/L1
115,0 123,0 12,5 11,5 RU3101150 RS 115 123/L
115,0 125,0 13,0 12,0 RU3201150 RS 115 125/L1
115,0 125,0 15,0 14,0 RU3301150 RS 115 125/L
115,0 130,0 11,0 10,0 RU3401150 RS 115 130/L
117,0 126,0 15,0 14,0 RU3101170 RS 117 126/L
117,0 133,0 10,0 9,2 RU3001170 D
117,8 133,0 10,0 9,2 RU3001178 D
118,0 126,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001180 RS 118 126/L1
118,0 126,0 14,5 13,5 RU3101180 RS 118 126/L
120,0 128,0 12,5 11,5 RU3101200 RS 120 128/L
120,0 130,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201200 RS 120 130/L
120,0 130,0 13,0 12,0 RU3301200 RS 120 130/L1
** 120,0 130,0 15,0 14,3 RU3401200 EU 120130/S
120,0 140,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001200 D
121,0 135,0 10,0 9,0 RU3001210 RS 121 135/L
125,0 133,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201250 RS 125 133/L
125,0 135,0 11,0 10,0 RU3301250 RS 125 135/L
125,0 145,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001250 D
125,0 150,0 20,0 19,0 RU3101250 D
127,0 140,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001270 RS 127 140/L
128,0 136,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001280 RS 128 136/L
130,0 138,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201300 RS 130 138/L
130,0 150,0 13,5 12,5 RU3001300 D
130,0 150,0 16,0 15,0 RU3101300 D
131,0 150,0 14,0 13,0 RU3001310 RS 131 150/L
132,0 142,0 9,5 8,7 RU3001320 RS 132 142/L1
135,0 143,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001350 RS 135 143/L
135,0 150,0 12,5 11,5 RU3101350 RS 135 150/L
135,0 150,0 16,0 15,0 RU3201350 RS 135 150/L1
137,0 146,0 15,0 14,0 RU3001370 RS 137 146/L
139,8 156,0 7,0 6,0 RU3001398 D
140,0 148,0 12,5 11,5 RU3301400 RS 140 148/L
140,0 150,0 12,5 11,5 RU3401400 RS 140 150/L
140,0 155,0 10,6 9,6 RU3101400 D
140,0 160,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001400 D
140,0 165,0 20,0 19,0 RU3201400 D
141,0 151,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001410 RS 141 151/L
** 141,0 151,0 15,0 14,3 RU3101410 EU 141151/S
143,0 151,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001430 RS 143 151/L1
143,0 151,0 14,5 13,5 RU3101430 RS 143 151/L
145,0 155,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001450 RS 145 155/L
145,0 160,0 13,0 12,0 RU3101450 RS 145 160/L
148,0 160,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001480 RS 148 160/L
150,0 170,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001500 D
152,0 160,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001520 RS 152 160/L
152,0 162,0 11,0 10,0 RU3101520 RS 152 162/L
152,0 171,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201520 RS 152 171/L
152,5 160,5 15,0 14,0 RU3001525 RS 152.5 160.5/L
155,0 163,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001550 RS 155 163/L
160,0 168,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001600 RS 160 168/L
160,0 170,0 12,5 11,5 RU3101600 RS 160 170/L
162,0 172,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001620 RS 162 172/L
** 162,0 172,0 15,0 14,3 RU3101620 EU 162172/S
165,0 184,0 14,0 13,0 RU3001650 RS 165 184/L
170,0 178,0 12,5 11,5 RU3201700 RS 170 178/L
170,0 180,0 13,0 12,0 RU3301700 RS 170 180/L
170,0 190,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001700 D
171,0 179,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001710 RS 171 179/L
175,0 185,0 13,0 12,0 RU3001750 RS 175 185/L
177,0 205,0 20,0 19,0 RU3001770 RS 177 205/L
178,0 188,0 11,0 10,0 RU3001780 D
180,0 188,0 14,5 13,5 RU3201800 RS 180 188/L
180,0 190,0 11,0 10,0 RU3301800 RS 180 190/L
180,0 195,0 13,5 12,5 RU3401800 RS 180 195/L
180,0 200,0 16,0 15,0 RU3101800 D
180,0 205,0 16,0 15,0 RU3001800 D
** 183,0 193,0 15,0 14,3 RU3001830 EU 183193/S
185,0 193,0 12,5 11,5 RU3001850 RS 185 193/L
200,0 208,0 12,5 11,5 RU3302000 RS 200 208/L
200,0 220,0 11,5 10,5 RU3102000 D
200,0 225,0 16,0 15,0 RU3002000 D
205,0 220,0 13,5 12,5 RU3002050 RS 205 220/L
** 207,0 217,0 15,0 14,3 RU3002070 EU 207217/S
209,0 228,0 14,0 13,0 RU3002090 RS 209 228/L
212,0 220,0 14,5 13,5 RU3002120 RS 212 220/L
220,0 245,0 16,0 15,0 RU3002200 D
** 231,0 242,0 15,0 14,3 RU3002310 EU 231241/S
232,0 246,0 13,0 12,0 RU3002320 RS 232 246/L
235,0 254,0 11,5 10,0 RU3002350 D


Ordering Example

U-Cup Type RU3
Rod diameter: d = 70.0 mm
Groove diameter: d1 = 85.0 mm
Groove width: L = 12.5 mm
Part No.: RU3000700 –

Material code
B+S: WUAQ3 turquoise
Sealing Parts: WU9L3 blue
Polypac: UAT60 red




Type RU3B

The U-Cup type RU3B is used as a rod seal for heavy-duty conditions in mobile and industrial hydraulics. It is installed with a fixed seat at its outer diameter. The rear dynamic sealing lip improves the leakage behaviour and, at the same time, prevents the entry of contaminants from the atmosphere side. Compared with the type RU2, the shorter inner lip is more flexible and can adapt better to the operating conditions and deflections of the piston rod.

U-Cup RU3B has integrated Back-up Ring to prevent the seal material from extrusion at high temperatures and high peak pressures.

A lubricant trap forms between the sealing lips. This counters the stick-slip tendency and prevents dry running. At the same time the good lubrication behaviour reduces wear.



– Good sealing effect
– Good abrasion resistance, wear-resistant
– Compensates deflections of the piston rod
– Entry of dirt and air into the system is more or less ruled out
– Unaffected by sudden loads and high pressures
– Good extrusion resistance
– Larger sealing gaps
(approx. 50% larger than table XXVII values)
– Suitable for high pressure peaks



The thermoplastic polyurethane material used for U-Cups has a high abrasion resistance, a low compression set and exhibits a high resistance to clearance extrusion.

U-Cup material:
WU9L3 blue color
Back-up ring material:
Polyamid PA
Material set code:



Note Rod Diameter Groove Diameter Groove Width Seal Width Part No. Sealing Parts Ref. No.
dN h11 D1 H11 L +0.2 B
* 40,0 55,0 11,0 10,0 RU30B0400 RS 40 55/LA
42,0 51,0 11,0 10,0 RU30B0420 RS 42 51/LA
45,0 52,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B0450 RS 45 52/LA
* 50,0 59,0 11,0 10,0 RU30B0500 RS 50 59/LA
50,0 60,0 8,0 7,2 RU31B0500 RS 50 60/LA
50,0 65,0 11,0 10,0 RU32B0500 RS 50 65/LA
* 50,0 70,0 13,0 12,0 RU33B0500 RS 50 70/LA
* 60,0 68,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B0600 RS 60 68/LA
60,0 69,0 11,0 10,0 RU31B0600 RS 60 69/LA
60,0 80,0 13,0 12,0 RU32B0600 RS 60 80/LA
63,0 83,0 13,0 12,0 RU30B0630 RS 63 83/LA
70,0 80,0 8,0 7,2 RU30B0700 RS 70 80/LA
70,0 85,0 12,5 11,5 RU31B0700 RS 70 85/LA
78,0 86,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B0780 RS 78 86/LA
80,0 95,0 12,5 11,5 RU30B0800 RS 80 95/LA
** 97,0 105,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B0970 RS 97 105/LA
100,0 120,0 14,5 13,5 RU30B1000 RS 100 120/LA
105,0 125,0 13,0 12,0 RU30B1050 RS 105 125/LA
** 118,0 126,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B1180 RS 118 126/LA
120,0 140,0 13,0 12,0 RU30B1200 RS 120 140/LA
125,0 145,0 13,0 12,0 RU30B1250 RS 125 145/LA
** 143,0 151,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B1430 RS 143 151/LA
** 171,0 179,0 14,0 13,0 RU30B1710 RS 171 179/LA


Ordering example

U-Cup Type RU3B
Rod diameter: dN = 50.0 mm
Groove diameter: d1 = 65.0 mm
Groove width: L = 11 mm
Part No.: RU32B0500 –
Compound: WUR0L blue color







Busak Shamban


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